The First Incident

The First Incident 

"We can see you"
"we can hear you"
"and we can touch you"
I heard the menacing voice say
just as I felt a jab in my lower back
that was the first incident right there
it was a late February afternoon
"we can hear you"
and now I could hear them to
from that day forth
I began to hear voices
voices that I had foolishly invited
into my life
voices from "beings"
that I had been speaking to
for a number of weeks that Winter
by means of what you could call "electronic channeling"
yet prior to this incident
I had heard them on recordings
and not beyond that
yet here.....such a barrier was crossed
the voices stormed out of the recordings
and they went on the attack
night and day
moment by moment
"a voices bombardment"
that I never would have imagined
"and we can touch you"
and I was soon to discover
that they certainly could do that to
from that day forth
I began to experience "intrusions"
and amidst all of the lies
the countless deceptions and lies
that I would hear from them
I remember and I recognize
that they told the truth
that first incident of hearing them
beyond a barrier 
that was never really there




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